If you do not have ever suffered from blocked ears then it is difficult to understand exactly how annoying hurtful this problem are generally.

Affected individuals complain of experiencing strenuous pressure in the ear and often feeling that the ear itself is irritated. There are many people who have the misfortune to suffer varying levels of pain and others who even report a loss of ability to hear.

Most of the time the principle trouble isn't a serious medical condition but merely an accumulation of excess wax that has gathered inside the ear canal. Although there are many products and solutions in the marketplace that will help with the reduction of excess ear wax these types of goods are chemical based. Many individuals opt to refrain from chemicals if at all possible and so various other healthy sorts of remedy are increasingly being discovered.

Another popular means of cleaning ears is to use cotton bud sticks but these can cause more problems then they solve as they can often push any wax further into the ear canal. In addition, sometimes the stick may be inserted too deep into the ear causing further complications.

The favourite natural treatment for blocked ears is a process called ear candling. Ear candling has been around for centuries dating back to the medieval times and beyond. Although people are curious as to how do ear candles work the actual process hasn't changed that much from how it was originally performed all those years ago.

It really is perfectly safe but it is strongly recommended not to do ear candling on your own as it really does require the assistance of another person.

Contrary to regular candles, an ear candle is a hollow cylinder coated in wax. With the patient lying horizontally and sideways one of the ends of the candle is inserted into the affected ear. The other end of the candle is lit and the flame allowed to burn down for a while. Some prefer to push the candle through a paper plate beforehand so as to prevent the risk of candle wax dripping down the candle.

The particular lit candle produces a natural vacuum which supports to balance the pressure in the ear and it is this vacuum that then helps to loosen out any debris or ear wax that was build up inside the ear. In addition patients report an instant improvement with their ear problems but also general feeling of wellness right after the process.
Ear candling is an alternative therapy that promotes mental as well as physical well-being.  It is a relaxing and soothing therapy that is already practiced even during ancient times in Egypt and many cultures in the world.

How to use ear candles?

An ear candle is a hollow cone made up of cotton cloth impregnated with wax candle at one end. The other end is a hollow cone and is small enough to go into the ear. The practice takes 30 to 45 minutes and is a safe method for in-ear cleansing. This process should be performed by expert practitioner with diligence and care.

Prior to ear candling session, make a relaxed and peaceful ambiance. Let the patient lie down in a comfortable position by supporting his head with a pillow, so that the auditory canal is in upright position. Now you sit on a chair by the patient's head. Lit the ear candle and tenderly place the non burning end in to the outer ear passage. When you hear crackling and hissing sound, you know the ear candle is in good position. In the last stage, the heat flow increases. The ear candle is burnt only up to one cm and the remaining ear candle is cautiously removed. 

What are the benefits of ear candling?

This ancient and prehistoric therapy is used to alleviate various medical problems such as sinus infections, ear aches, sinus pain, tinnitus, headaches and vertigo. Many people who have experienced this procedure say that they find a feeling of rest and comfort  throughout and after the process. This complementary therapy assists in promoting a better state of health by easing stress and tension and revitalizing your physical as well as mental health.

What kind of ear candles to use?

There are several different kinds of ear candles that vary in shape, size and consistency. Choosing the right type of ear candles can make your experience pleasant and memorable.

Beeswax ear candles: These candles are prepared from natural wax produced in the hives. They are natural, burn longer and cleaner than any other ear candle. The flame emits negative ions to clean the air and invigorate the body. It is sticky, naturally scented, it is considered as the best ear candle as it does not drip, releases negative ions and has a clean burn.

Paraffin ear candles: These are the cheaper alternative to beeswax. It burns clear and has no scent. The disadvantage of paraffin wax candle is that it does not burn completely and therefore clogs the tip of the candle.

Soy ear candles: Soy is mixed with other harder wax to create an ear candle. Usually soy is mixed with beeswax as an alternative to 100% expensive beeswax. The most common disadvantage with soy ear candles is that they create more heat than paraffin or beeswax because of low melting point. Hence, it creates a warmer temperature inside the ear.

Where to buy ear candles?

Ear candles can be purchased from online stores and websites. Many companies offer discounts on volume purchase from their website.

Alternative practices and therapies have been accepted and integrated in medical practice as part of rehabilitative therapy.  First, it is traditional and not costly.  Second, these therapies target and deal various discomforts.  For example, acupuncture, through this procedure, chi is believed to run naturally after the procedure giving relief rom minor pains like headache, fever and body malaise.  But, an ancient treatment called Ear Candling has placed controversial issues amongst medical practitioners and clients likewise.

Almost of all cultures in ancient times used Ear Candling. This practice is not new but in time past was very popular.  Nowadays, some practitionrs suggest and offer ear candling treatments which are known to alleviate numerous pains and discomforts.  The therapy is used with a special type of candle which is populary known as Ear Candle. This is a hollow candle which is made of cloth soaked in bees wax or paraffin.  The ear candle is to be inserted to a plate with a hole in it.  The plate covers and protects the patient from falling candle debris and to hold the candle during the procedure.


The treatment involves vacuum mechanism where a hollow candle made of fabric tube soaked in beeswax is inserted in the external auditory canal. The ear candle is then lit and burned for few minutes that generate vacuum that  gently sucks out the earwax, toxin and pressure  from the ears and sinusis.  The procedure is not painful.


The treatment is often indicated for sinus pressure, ear wax removal, tinnitus, TMJ syndrome and the like. Ancient practitioners believe that ear candling can align chakra flow, develop spiritual gain, or gives soothing and relaxing effect.

The Debate:

Ear Candling has earned popularity in 2006 or 2007. Many have tried the treatment as it effectively persuadse people due to news and commercials. Most of them confirm of its helpful effects in human body. Actually, many are impressed with the holistic results after the treatment. However, known medical research journals have released reports of its ineffective and hazardous effect to the ear anatomy. As a result, FDA disproves its practice. Yet despite of research results, nobody has ever reported any ear injuries caused by ear candling.


Together with any alternative therapy treatment one can find of course several naysayers and trusted believers too and Ear Candling has it's fair share of both. Knowing the real therapy and benefits can be hard when no real experiments could be provided and so experience from those that have put to use ear candles has to be relied upon which many skeptics just won't accept.

The most widespread misunderstanding about ear candles is that they are able to draw considerable amounts of ear wax from the ear canal.This is simply not true and the belief has evolved through mis education particularly from stores selling ear candles through no fault of their own. Sales assistants generally rely totally on third hand stories from other assistants and so as the years have rolled by the myth about ear wax has built greater than the buildup of wax itself!

That isn't to say that ear candling does not have any advantages, they just need to break down and understood. The common approach is to inspect an ear candle after it has been burnt and inspects inside the candle and looked at the remaining wax left inside.

The wax left inside is most certainly residue wax from the candle itself and as the coloring is similar it is easy to understand why so many believe it is ear wax. The flame of an ear candle is really quite gentle even though it could be dangerous as fire. Take a moment to imagine how much force and suction would be required to draw such large amounts of wax 'into' the candle? It would have to have the drawing power of a vacuum cleaner in reality!

What's not usually discussed is the heat from the flame and its ability to loosen inner ear wax in the canal. Whilst the intensity of the heat is not extreme it is enough to warrant gently loosening wax which can be dislodged and cleaned after your treatment. The Chinese have always believed that the transfer of heat to inside our bodies has great healing abilities. The Chinese would never be seen drinking ice cold water for example and they will always be carrying around warm flasks of hot water to constantly sip throughout the day. They believe the transfer of heat has the ability to find parts of the body that need healing. This is why so many 'heat warming' products can be found on the market such as heat patches etc.

This might be an indication as to why ear candles work so well for many as it is the benefit of heat transfer to the body that is renewing well being. This also could explain the great results for curing sinus problems. The Chinese believe the ear canal is one of the most important meridian points of the body.

Ear Candling is likewise belittled due to its lack of safety and dangers of fire. Quote simply there are some ear candles available which have taken proactive responsible steps to ensure the safety of its users. A protective disk should always be used to ensure no wax can drip down the side of the candle and the candle itself should always be held throughout the whole treatment by a friend or relative to ensure that it remains at a 90 degree angle to the ear thus stopping any excess wax to drip.

An extinguishing stop mark also indicates how low you should let the candle burn and when to extinguish. Lastly and most importantly an in built filter should always be used with ear candles to again reduce the risk. If all of these safety issues are addressed then ear candling can be totally safe and the benefits can be explored with a grounded understanding that this is an 'alternative' therapy to be enjoyed under safe conditions. Maybe the Chinese are a little more clever than they are given justice.

Ear candling is an ear wax removing procedure that dates back to historical Egyptian culture. Ear candling is a highly effective and secure ear wax removal procedure, and helps in enhancing mental and sinus health of several practitioners.

Ear Candling Basic safety Procedure
As with all kind of alternative medicine, it is best to consult a doctor who has experience in administering such treatments before attempting it yourself. The procedure is hassle free if done under the supervision of experienced professionals.

Customized ear candles that have been specifically made for this purpose are inserted in the outer ear canal of the person undergoing ear candling treatment.

The ear candle is lit, and from their physics takes over as the flames start burning oxygen. Within a few seconds, person will feel gentle suction in the inner ear. This is due to the vacuum created by the candle wick as it burns, and consumes all the air inside the ear canal. This gives a relaxing feeling and is a calming experience for people undergoing ear candling for removal of ear wax. All he excess wax will slowly lift free due to suction effect. All the wax that is stuck up in the ear canal loosens up and even nasal passages are affected, as they are connected to this area via small tubes.

Aside from the cleanup, lots of people have reported enhanced ability of detecting sounds much more sharply once the procedure is over.

Tips for finding most effective ear candles:

• Excellent Ingredients
• Totally free of chemical pesticide & fungicide residues
• Provides Safety Features (choose those with filter, protective disk and top ring)
• High Quality Manufacturing
• Consistently tested
• Natural Ingredients
• Competitive Prices

Ear Candling Reminders:

•A companion or partner must observe the entire treatment method and assist by holding the ear candle upright vertical position while the candle is burning, at all times. The candle MUST be held at a ninety degree upright vertical angle to the ear and not leaning at any time. 

•Ensure that you are in a safe environment - indoors, with no 'through' drafts' as this can affect how the candle burns.

•Identify any flammable materials that you may be wearing or are nearby and remove these.

•Adult supervision is required at all times - please ensure ear candles and matches etc are always stored away from children in a safe place.

•Your partner should extinguish the candle on your behalf as it approaches the designated 'stop' ring on each candle.

•Always consult your medical practitioner should you be unsure about using ear candle.
Also called ear wax candling, the ear candling is the best alternative health process that is used by people for optimizing their mental and physical health. By following these tips, you can ensure a safe, peaceful, effective and safe ear candling session.
Ear Candling or ear coning is an alternative treatment used to boost physical and also intellectual well-being. In this, a long, waxy tube made of cloth is inserted in to the ear canal and then burnt. This creates a vacuum which enables in cleaning the ear canal.

Ear candling is an old traditional practice which is thought to have started in Mayan, Aztec, Lemuria and Mythical Atlantis civilizations. However the actual origin of this healing process is still not verified, but traces of this practice were observed in China, India, Egypt and Tibet. Historically, instruments shaped in the form of cone made from clay were used for this self purification process. Because of the shape of the instrument used, the process was called coning. The shiny pottery cone was carved with a double helix inside it to carry burning herbs down the ear canal. Vacuum caused by the cone instrument results in counter clockwise flow, by which smoke and heat from the herbs cleanse ear canal. It also removes any debris outside the canal by vacuum. In many cultures and traditions, coning was considered a spiritual, holistic method for cleansing the mind as well as senses. They believed that ear coning clears the body and mind from any pollutants so that you can concentrate on thoughts and feelings

Current Time Ear Candling

Due to the extra weight of the candles and health regulations, traditional ear candles were replaced by disposable candles. Hence, ear candle or cone is made of unbleached linen or cotton soaked in paraffin or beeswax and herbs. A spiral roll is built on the inner side of the candle during the manufacturing, which creates the similar effect as of the pottery ones.

In some countries like Germany, ear candling is taught as a subject, remedy. In United States, it is relatively new, however, many holistic doctors are shifting over to this self-purification process from irrigation techniques. Ear candling has become a popular non invasive therapy due to its several benefits and many holistic centers and spas are offering this technique.

Many benefits of Ear Candles

Ear candling has a re-energizing effect on the mind and the body and it helps to improve the overall well-being of a person by creating the harmony of body, mind and spirit. Ear candles are not only used for removal of ear wax, but they are known to have many potential health benefits. Some of the health attributes that are associated with use of ear candle are:

1. Ear benefits: By clearing the debris, wax and other harmful particles from the ears, ear candles help in relieving itchy ears (caused by yeast, mold or dairy allergies), Swimmer's ear and unplugging ears. Reduces ringing in ears and dizziness.

2. It relieves sinus pain and pressure, hence giving relief from headaches.

3. Enhances the senses like smell, taste and perception.

4. It improves lymphatic blood flow.

5. It leads to clarity of thoughts, reduces stress and tension.

Ear Candling is a holistic method of healing that offers many health benefits.
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There is a certain hot debates when it comes to the safety and real benefits of ear candles. One thing is for certain, many people have been using them for a long time now and they are quite used to the therapy and satisfied with the results. It is important to consider the fact that several measures and precautions are important to be taken in order to get the enjoyment and maximum effect in a safe environment.

Why then so many individuals that are utilizing these ear candles?

Well the main functionality is to remove wax buildup in your ear, mainly the wax that can’t be removed through a regular cleaning practice. Individuals who used it claim that it is a less pricey and more pleasant way than the old fashioned the one which requires forcing water into your ear canal.

Additionally, it is believed that ear candling eliminates some health problems like yeasts, candida, and the remnants of past bacterial infections. It had been reported by the U of U Medical laboratory that there's various kinds of harmful bacteria in our ears such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumonia, Influenza A and B and Anaerobic bacteria. So basically it's more affordable to buy ear candles and begin a therapy instead of option for other ways.

The process involving ear candling can be done on any individual, on all ages. There had been actually a large number of effective cases in treating chronic ear infections of children through this therapy that made the ear tubal replacement unnecessary. Besides treating the ear, it is also good for the lymph system and sinus by removing the impurities there.

So if you have any health problems that involves the ear such as an ear infection or just need to remove the wax buildup, it is seriously recommended that you buy ear candles and use this type of therapy method. It is very inexpensive, it presents improvement and if it’s well done it's totally safe.

_Making use of ear candles and detox foot pads are getting widely known today because of its outstanding benefits in promoting the health and fitness of the human body. In fact, there has been a growing hype about the advantages of ear candle and detox foot patches in detoxifying the body.

Through the years, ear candling has been widely used across the globe as a natural alternative way to nurture the body and the mind. In fact, ear candles were used by Hopi Indians for centuries as part of their relaxation and healing rituals. An ear candle becomes very handy in the safety removal of ear wax. With this product, users can be guaranteed that wax is properly and safely eliminated from the ears. Through the years, the use of ear wax spoons and cotton ear buds to remove air wax is no longer recommended because they push the ear wax to the ear canal which can trigger hearing disturbances in the future.

This specific special ear candle is usually made from linen, hemp or cotton that is placed into the outer ear canal. When the candle is lit, it produces a low level vacuum that eliminate the accumulated debris and ear wax out of the ear. Ear candling is actually a non-invasive ear wax treatment which is sprayed with honey, beeswax and herb for optimum quality results. This procedure is believed to be efficient in providing immediate treatments to sinus problems, headaches, tinnitus, glue ears, compacted ear wax and ear aches. Other potential benefits of ear candling include improved sense of taste, smell and color perception. Other benefits include reduced stress, tension, dizziness and ear sore. Advocates of this procedure also believe that it provides mental focus and clarity and balanced emotional taste.

Meanwhile, detox foot pads prove to be an effective and efficient natural alternative method to help eliminate unwanted substances out of the body and increase the overall health being of an individual. Detox foot patches are usually made from soothing, potent and all natural ingredients which are specially designed to work with the acupuncture points found in the soles of the feet to promote health and wellness. The patch facilitates in the expulsion of contaminants and toxins that causes blockages in lymphatic and circulatory systems through perspiration and sweat. Though it is commonly placed in the feet, some foot pads can also be placed in other parts of the body such as knees, back and shoulders.

A written report in Japan revealed that foot patches are capable of stimulating circulation which leads to an efficient detoxification of the body. These cleansing foot pads were able to increase the production of alpha brain waves that facilitates in the relaxation and healing process. Another study conducted in United States revealed that the pad is capable of absorbing toxins. In fact, 9 out of 15 toxins tested were immediately absorbed by this powerful foot patch. Usage of foot patches prove to be effective in relieving ailments such as common colds, joint pains, headaches and cough. These cleansing foot pads are also capable of improving the body’s immune system, fight fatigue and provide high quality of sleep to the user.